Photos of my first library
KOI [Kings Own Institute]
Kent Street
KOI College offers degree and diploma courses in Business Management and Accounting and operates a high Tech library for students and lecturers.
my first library
I just love this library and loved working with the international students. It is such a nice study area. I love the ambience for reflective study it provides with the latest high Tech equipment and resources for the students.
this corner fronts on Liverpool and Kent Streets, Sydney
some of my students using the library
I recently worked at KOI as their relief Library Technician in a 'stand alone' position where I effectively managed the library. As I was invited back to the College after working there in Apr–May 2011, I view this as a recommendation.
I've always enjoyed working with 'old school' people and experienced this at KOI.
It was a great treat to work with the older lecturers and told the students that they were extremely lucky to have the benefit of their experience. Putting 'old heads on young shoulders' is always problematic. [I sound like my father!]
After recently using the library at Ultimo Tafe that fails to provide students with a positive library experience , I feel qualified to say that the students at KOI have an exemplary library experience. In my short time at this library, I hope that I've assisted the students, in some small way, with in their learning.
rosewood reading desks
my computer
and the front desk
student computers near the windows
the autumn sunlight streams into the library
and the latest Mac computers
@Holly's place Holly is a student at KOI. I much prefer her pretty Chinese name, Xiaonan. We got to know each other at the library. Applying for library positons always includes questions about EEO and cultural diversity. Holly lives around the corner from me and invited me to diner with her boyfriend ... a picture is worth a thousand words ...

my attitude on life, the universe and everything ...